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John Cooper was awarded the Susan Francis Design Champion award at the European Healtcare Design
At European Healtcare Design Congress our director and co-founder John Cooper was awarded the Susan Francis Design Champion award

The European Healthcare Design conference, June 13-14th 2022.
JCA directors at the 2022 European Healthcare Design Conference

The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Iceland.
the School of Health Sciences at the University of Iceland in ReykjavÃk

Here we go again
John Cooper’s thoughts on the upcoming national hospital building programmes The new decade is going to start with a major hospital...

Hrafnhildur Ólafsdóttir in ReykjavÃk in February 2020
The Association of Icelandic Architects with The Icelandic University of Arts are hosting a talk in ReykjavÃk on the 6th of February 2020...

EuHPN 2019 workshop in Basel
JCA Director Hrafnhildur Ólafsdóttir presented JCA´s work at the 2019 European Health Property Network (EuHPN) workshop in Basel on the...

John Cooper at New Zealand's Healt Design Council's Conference
John Cooper has been invited to give one of the keynote presentations at New Zealand’s Health Design Council’s Conference which will take...

July 4th
I was in Park Royal today to pick up a chair I had bought at auction and popped into Central Middlesex Hospital to see how it was ageing....

European Healthcare Design Congress 2019
I must admit to having a vested interest in the success of last week’s European Healthcare Design Congress. As always it’s a six month...

Time to get real
A loss of faith in politics results in a loss of trust in policy and the ability to implement change. What currently frightens me is the...

Hrafnhildur Olafsdottir at the European Symposium of Salutogenic Hospital Design & Urban Health
JCA Director Hrafnhildur Olafsdottir presents salutogenic design principles in JCA's work at the 1st European Symposium of Salutogenic...

John Cooper at the Westminster Health Forum
John Cooper is speaking at the Westminster Health Forum in Whitehall on the 24th of January, which is addressing the key issues for NHS...

International healthcare design experts
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